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Capstone Project Introduction

For my capstone project, I will be showcasing my experience working at Indiana Eye Doctors and the research I conducted on myopia management in an ePortfolio. The ePortfolio format will allow me to highlight the impact my academics and work ethic have prepared me for the next steps leading me to optometry school. This format is the perfect tool to reflect on my experience completing my capstone project as well as my journey throughout my undergraduate degree at IUPUI.


I centered my senior capstone project around my experience working at Indiana Eye Doctors and the knowledge I have learned on myopia management in pediatric optometry. During my time at Indiana Eye Doctors I worked alongside over 5 different optometrists Dr. Sheri Levack, Dr. Christopher Emmons, Dr. Michael Fagin, Dr. Paige Fleckenstein, and Dr. Kelsey Daigrepont. Dr. Sheri Levack is an optometrist certified to administer multiple forms of myopia management programs for patients under the age of twelve. I decided to further my knowledge in myopia management in pediatric optometric care by researching and working closely alongside Dr. Levack. To further my knowledge and prepare for applications to optometry school, I decided to conduct my biology capstone research on myopia management and some of the most popular forms of treatment for slowing the progression of it in children.

Figure 1: An image showcasing me and my fellow technicians alongside Dr. Michael Fagin and Dr. Kelsey Daigrepont

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